Articles about Change.
How Marketing Can Help Change the Future of the World.
A Presentation to the key players in Leading Hotels of the World In Dublin, Autumn 2010
I was dipping into a book the other day by Tom Peters, the management guru and author, called “Thriving on Chaos”. It was written in 1989.
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Our Future and How to Shape It.
Why are we really here today?
Apart – of course – from being well entertained and meeting some great people… as if that in itself wasn’t enough…
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Blur – The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy.
by Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer
Stan is the visionary and guru, Christopher the corporate guy from Ernst and Young and then Monitor, the consulting group. They argue we are living in a world that is like a night club with strobe lighting. A world where the intangibles of marketing and connectivity are the key as everyone can do the left brain stuff of getting the functionality right (viz. all cars work). The book is a thinly disguised list of ways to run a modern business…none the less it raises interesting issues.
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The Circle of Innovation – “You can’t shrink your way to greatness”.
By Tom Peters
Tom Peters worked at McKinsey. He made his name writing “In Search of Excellence” with Robert Waterman. He is now the world famous speaker and ranter and provoker of thought. His books are rich in opinion, prejudice and anger that business has failed to keep up with a rapidly changing world. He quotes General Shinseko, in his more recent book “Re-Imagine”, who said “if you don’t like change you’ll like irrelevance even less.”
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Generation Z and a suitcase full of marketing.
Or maybe it’s a very expensive rucksack.
Generation Z, like all such cohorts assigned by sociologists, are, by definition, dangerously generalised and simplified. But just bear with this one foe a moment.
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Marketing is dead. Long live marketing.
Penny Hunt, one of the best advertising planners I know, said to me recently “do you think that the time we spent on marketing was actually like gift wrapping the product and at the same time concealing it?” She paused and added “would we do it like that now do you think?”
A resounding “yes” to the first’; a thunderous “no” to the second.
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