Articles about Creativity.


Penny Hunt, July 2011

Years ago, before GPS but just after sealing wax, a friend was on hols with her family. The independently ambitious marching around a European capital wasn’t turning out so well. The map had pictures rather than streets, the instructions were ambiguous, and grumpy tiredness had set in. Where was this pesky  17th century Princess’ palace muttered the super intelligent  (and self confessed over achiever)  parents?

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , ,

How Marketing Can Help Change the Future of the World.

A Presentation to the key players in  Leading Hotels of the World In Dublin, Autumn 2010

I was dipping into a book the other day by Tom Peters, the management guru and author, called “Thriving on Chaos”. It was written in 1989.

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , , ,

Our Future and How to Shape It.

Why are we really here today?

Apart – of course – from being well entertained and meeting some great people… as if that in itself wasn’t enough…

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , , , , , , ,

Art Seen from Outside the Cultural Goldfish Bowl.

My talk is entitled “a view of the Arts, seen from outside the Cultural Goldfish Bowl”. So an obvious first question is – what is Art?

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , , ,

The Element – How finding your passion changes everything.

Sir Ken Robinson

This extraordinary man – polio crippled child with a spark that was spotted – to the world’s highest paid public speaker, specialising in education – believes we educate creativity out of children and that our educational system is mad. We have no idea what the world in 2040 will be like yet we’ve decided with utter certainty what the CEOs of 2040 need to be taught.

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , ,

How marketing sorts out which are the best businesses.

You can’t have spent most of your working life in marketing as I have without believing that marketing is really pretty important.

Yet part of me,  in sync with the mood of today, is wondering if marketing is all it’s cracked up to be and whether, sometimes, it isn’t just expensive Elastoplast sticking together and promoting defective product.

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , , ,

Creativity is the legal way of gaining an unfair advantage.

The originator of the idea that creativity can give you an unfair advantage is Maurice Saatchi.

Now Lord Saatchi he lived this out in the way he and Charles, his brother, launched their agency Saatchi & Saatchi in the 1970s.

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , ,