Articles about Education.

You have to be tough to teach today.

Recent debate on stress has focused on its impact on teachers.   Example: an experienced, dedicated teacher was banned from teaching for life after beating a 14 year old with a dumb-bell, after being repeatedly taunted and goaded by the class.  At his court hearing, he said that “lots of teachers are ticking time bombs” (Guardian, July 2011).

Stress is important but it is possible to place two individuals in the same working environment and find one succumbs to the pressure of stress and another thrives.

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , ,

Give me theatre darling.

I saw Kevin Spacey talk on the importance of the Arts at the Great Methodist Hall, Westminster to a packed, adoring audience. This was the week before the Chancellor’s announcement on the cuts of 29% with which Arts Secretary Jeremy Hunt seemed, bizarrely, rather pleased.

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , , ,

The Element – How finding your passion changes everything.

Sir Ken Robinson

This extraordinary man – polio crippled child with a spark that was spotted – to the world’s highest paid public speaker, specialising in education – believes we educate creativity out of children and that our educational system is mad. We have no idea what the world in 2040 will be like yet we’ve decided with utter certainty what the CEOs of 2040 need to be taught.

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , ,