Articles about Relationships.


Mike Geoghagan – Outgoing CEO of HSBC at the RSA – A View of the Man, The Bank and his Story.

This man’s been in the news recently. Was he pushed or “ousted” (great word)? Was there a row? Has the HSBC Board lost it? After all two new chiefs come in as Mike, CEO, and Chairman Stephen Green both go to be replace by new Chairman, (who reported to Mike), CFO Doug Flint and new CEO, Head of Investment Banking at HSBC, Stephen Gulliver.

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , , , ,

Creativity is the legal way of gaining an unfair advantage.

The originator of the idea that creativity can give you an unfair advantage is Maurice Saatchi.

Now Lord Saatchi he lived this out in the way he and Charles, his brother, launched their agency Saatchi & Saatchi in the 1970s.

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , ,

How to market a new business.

If you have started your own business you could probably tell the rest of us what marketing is all about as you have already made the jump into territory demanding passion, insight and sheer bloody courage.

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , ,

Marketing is dead. Long live marketing.

Penny Hunt, one of the best advertising planners I know, said to me recently “do you think that the time we spent on marketing was actually like gift wrapping the product and at the same time concealing it?” She paused and added “would we do it like that now do you think?”

A resounding “yes” to the first’; a thunderous “no” to the second.

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , ,