Articles about Speed.

Our Future and How to Shape It.

Why are we really here today?

Apart – of course – from being well entertained and meeting some great people… as if that in itself wasn’t enough…

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , , , , , , ,

Blur – The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy.

by Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer

Stan is the visionary and guru, Christopher the corporate guy from Ernst and Young and then Monitor, the consulting group. They argue we are living in a world that is like a night club with strobe lighting. A world where the intangibles of marketing and connectivity are the key as everyone can do the left brain stuff of getting the functionality right (viz. all cars work). The book is a thinly disguised list of ways to run a modern business…none the less it raises interesting issues.

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , , , ,

The 24 Hour Society.

A world-wide phenomenon which promises radical change. There is much more to it than all-night shopping at supermarkets.
By Leon Kreitzman

Leon Kreitzman is one of the current seers on time and our time-stressed society. This book is full of challenging thoughts but best of all is the way he reconciles globalisation with that last great frontier of night…there is no night except where you are. Suddenly you can regain charge by being a 24 hour person. The great thing about the book is it can help us avoid time-stress. And the implications on town planning and marketing are riveting. If getting attention is hard all day maybe it could be easier at night to a smaller but suggestible market in Asda.

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Submitted by Richard Hall, filed under: , , , , , ,