Articles about Women at Work.
The Power of Women.
Driving your business into the future
This came from a conference held at the glorious Tower Place East Building, HQ of Mercer – the big insurer. We had brilliant “meet and greet” from the hostesses. Mercer and customer service are joined at the hip. 92 women: 7 men and me (I only separate myself from them because I thought they were to the bristles on their chins pretty awful – didn’t want to be there, patronising and luddite. A kind of “there, there little lady” approach to life. I was so rude to some of them I may be uninsurable now.)
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The 24 Hour Society.
A world-wide phenomenon which promises radical change. There is much more to it than all-night shopping at supermarkets.
By Leon Kreitzman
Leon Kreitzman is one of the current seers on time and our time-stressed society. This book is full of challenging thoughts but best of all is the way he reconciles globalisation with that last great frontier of night…there is no night except where you are. Suddenly you can regain charge by being a 24 hour person. The great thing about the book is it can help us avoid time-stress. And the implications on town planning and marketing are riveting. If getting attention is hard all day maybe it could be easier at night to a smaller but suggestible market in Asda.
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The Circle of Innovation – “You can’t shrink your way to greatness”.
By Tom Peters
Tom Peters worked at McKinsey. He made his name writing “In Search of Excellence” with Robert Waterman. He is now the world famous speaker and ranter and provoker of thought. His books are rich in opinion, prejudice and anger that business has failed to keep up with a rapidly changing world. He quotes General Shinseko, in his more recent book “Re-Imagine”, who said “if you don’t like change you’ll like irrelevance even less.”
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