Articles about Work.
Leadership, Schmeadership.
Preston Bottger is Professor of Leadership and General Management at IMD. For 25 years he has combined teaching, research and consulting in leadership development and strategy execution. Before joining IMD, Preston Bottger was Professor of the Practice of Management at the Fuqua School of Business, Duke. His recent book (editor) is “Leading in the Top Team”, Cambridge University Press, 2008. His current research interests are focused on “how individuals develop various capacities for leadership in the context of their organization’s strategy”.
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Mike Geoghagan – Outgoing CEO of HSBC at the RSA – A View of the Man, The Bank and his Story.
This man’s been in the news recently. Was he pushed or “ousted” (great word)? Was there a row? Has the HSBC Board lost it? After all two new chiefs come in as Mike, CEO, and Chairman Stephen Green both go to be replace by new Chairman, (who reported to Mike), CFO Doug Flint and new CEO, Head of Investment Banking at HSBC, Stephen Gulliver.
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The World is Flat.
The Globalised World in the 21st Century
By Thomas L Friedman
Friedman is one of the most respected journalists and authors in the USA and is a three time Pulitzer Prize winner. This book is big in its ambition and its size and one of the best selling non-fiction books ever. It explains what has happened in the past two decades and why it’s happened. Given the scale of the achievement the synopsis will be done in two parts. This is Part One – why and what happened. In our recent lifetime the world has changed – completely.
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The 24 Hour Society.
A world-wide phenomenon which promises radical change. There is much more to it than all-night shopping at supermarkets.
By Leon Kreitzman
Leon Kreitzman is one of the current seers on time and our time-stressed society. This book is full of challenging thoughts but best of all is the way he reconciles globalisation with that last great frontier of night…there is no night except where you are. Suddenly you can regain charge by being a 24 hour person. The great thing about the book is it can help us avoid time-stress. And the implications on town planning and marketing are riveting. If getting attention is hard all day maybe it could be easier at night to a smaller but suggestible market in Asda.
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How to market a new business.
If you have started your own business you could probably tell the rest of us what marketing is all about as you have already made the jump into territory demanding passion, insight and sheer bloody courage.
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